
Anyone who knows me, knows that I preach gratitude in all forms. Gratitude for everything, no matter how small it is. I'm grateful for the warm bed and food on the plate, I'm grateful for my family and my health. I'm grateful for my rich friendships that bring me so much joy. I'm grateful most of all for choice. I have the freedom to choose what I want every single day. How I chose to spend my time, what I choose to eat or drink or even wear. I have the liberty of choice and that something I never take for grated.

Gratitude is the pathway to open up blessings and more things to be grateful for. Its happiness in its purest form. If you are grateful for what you have, you don't suffer the anguish of feeling like you need more. If you are grateful, you feel good, and when you feel good you smile ☺

This was just a short one, to keep the fire burning😃 Don't forget to be grateful. In this moment.



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